
Showing posts from July, 2020

Our Solar System

From childhood, we have been intrigued about the sun, moon, stars, our Earth, and the other planets, space, etc. Whether we were well aware of how the space bodies work or we just enjoyed stargazing, space has given us lots of thoughts to wander about so many things. So I thought of again taking a dive into this space ocean and take a look at the neighborhood where our home, the Earth is. Let's take a peek into our solar system. What is the Solar System?  The Solar System To know exactly what we mean when we say the term- Solar System, we should first breakdown the two words which constitute the term and check out their individual meanings. The term 'Solar' means 'of the Sun' and system means- a set of things working together as part of a mechanism. Hence when we combine the words it means that the Solar System is a group of objects(here Planets, Moons, etc) working together under the principle mechanism of the Sun. Our Solar System along with innumerable other sola

Global Warming: The Mystery, The Fact

We are not new to the term 'Global-Warming'. Climate activists have been repeatedly mentioning this term in order to make us aware of the consequences global warming will have on us and our home, The Earth. Repeated campaigns and awareness drives are carried out in order to bring home the idea that we have only one planet we can call home and although we are not all-powerful we must at least do whatever is in our power to save our only home and thereby save ourselves and all of life.                                                                     The only planet with life: Earth What is Global warming? Global warming is the term used to describe a gradual increase in the average temperature of the Earth's atmosphere and its oceans, a change that is believed to be permanently changing the Earth’s climate. There is great debate among many people, and sometimes in the news, on whether global warming is real or a hoax. But climate scientists looking at the data and facts ag

Top 5 indoor plants for your home

I am an avid plant lover. But these days in the name of development trees are being cut down faster than they are being replanted. This will obviously cause an imbalance in nature that will directly affect humanity. I being against the reckless cutting down of trees along with many others, we are trying to create awareness among fellow human beings about the environmental affect it will have on us. During such campaigns and surveys, we realized it is not that people are not against the felling of trees but they lack awareness and empathy for plants which in turn doesn't inspire them to raise their voice. Hence the first step in order to make them more affectionate towards the greenery around them is that they themselves have a few plants at home to care about. Because once they start doing this they will realize our relationship with plants. Hence below I am jotting down a list of 5 plants that are easy to maintain indoors at your homes. Indoor plants do wonders much more than make

Top 5 weekend getaways near Bengaluru

These pandemic times have rendered people stationery. Most of the people who love the outdoors like me are stranded at their homes, looking out of the window and ruminating about their past experiences and tryst with nature and wondering when they will be free to wander outside again. I am a resident of  Bengaluru, capital of the southern Indian state of Karnataka and after a hectic 5 days of relentless work , the IT capital does offer a well-deserved 2 days of laid back life before the week opens again. And thankfully there are quite a few weekend getaway places around Bengaluru where we can go to and be back for the Monday morning presentation at office. Camping in the nearby trekking sites Here come the hot-spots 1. Bheemeshwari, Mandya It is a small town in Karnataka's Mandya district, is popular as a paradise for fishing enthusiasts as it is home to one of the finest game fish in the world  the Mahseer fishes . Due to its proximity with the Cauvery River and its extensive fore

How my wounded finger started to heal

A few days back I was dicing the vegetables and me being a self-acclaimed pro-dicer was dicing the vegetables as if the spirit of The Speed Force had descended upon me. And I was doing a good job until my index finger came in the way. Slash! Yes, that's what I did to my finger, and man that was a small but deep cut the knife being a sharp Santoku and that knife was sharp with a capital 'S'. I started to bleed profusely. Several ice-packs later only the blood-flow stopped and I then applied an antiseptic spray to avoid any kind of infection. Also, I had got myself injected with the Tetanus vaccine a few months back due to another cut so I was obviously safe from getting tetanus causing bacteria at least. Once the wound was treated and a bandage was applied over it my finger became back to dicing kind of good and I was ready to have another go at the veggies, ignoring the obvious pain that comes after the injury aftermath. Be careful while chopping veggies etc Over the next f

Today I discovered why its good to experiment with your cooking..

It was late afternoon. After half a day of my work-from-home routine, during this hour of lockdown, I began feeling very hungry. And everyone is aware of this feeling when hunger creeps up. You can't resist your mind from concocting various imaginations of sumptuous food which makes you restless and want to grab anything to eat. I started to raid my refrigerator to see what I can find to cook and eat that subdues the monster growling in my stomach. The hunger that drives you angry: Hangry To my luck, I managed to find some boneless chicken thighs which I had bought a couple of days back. I started to think of the ingredients I needed to make a tasty meal out of it. After some brainstorming( with myself of course ), I got hold of some ingredients with which I thought to experiment. I was confident that I won't go terribly wayward as I consider myself more than an able cook. That's what I did The ingredients I had shortlisted are salt, pepper, onion powder, garlic powder, pap

Today I woke up with sharp pain in my right toe..

Sleepy me was entering dreamland. I was running in the Sahara that too in a summer mid-noon. It was as hot as it gets. My running shoes were sinking in the hot sand with each step I laid and my toe started to hurt as well. It felt like the heat was burning my toe, the right big toe to be precise. As I kept running with the pain, which by now had become more intense. And when the pain became unbearable I woke up from my painful dream and as my luck would have it, my right big toe was hurting in real life. Pain ranges from the foot to the toe and anywhere in between Cause of my pain Though the pain trigger was unknown yet this pain has been a part of my life for the past 7 years. It's due to my elevated level of  uric acid  in my blood. Uric acid is a natural waste product from the digestion of foods that contain purines. Purines are found in high levels in some foods such as: certain meats sardines or other sea food yeast based food beer I am an avid food lover, mostly meat. Grilled

Before Covid-19 lockdown began...

Everywhere it's panic-buying during this pandemic. All the countries are seeing it and this has been triggered due to unprecedented number of false/fake news being circulated. Thanks to easy access of social media even to the anti-social elements. Yes ' anti-social ' is the word I am using to describe them as these pricks feed on the anarchy they have created in the society. And of course in the minds of the fools of the society. You will be surprised to know that fools comprise a major chunk of the society we live in and they are the first to fall prey to the anti-socials. These fools in turn spread this anarchy among the rest in the society. Only a handful of people with basic common sense are able to control their mind in this chaos.   An isle of empty shelves in a popular store This instability in the society was visible few days  before all the countries of the world slowly started to realise that a lockdown was the necessity of the hour. The local administrations had