Today I discovered why its good to experiment with your cooking..

It was late afternoon. After half a day of my work-from-home routine, during this hour of lockdown, I began feeling very hungry. And everyone is aware of this feeling when hunger creeps up. You can't resist your mind from concocting various imaginations of sumptuous food which makes you restless and want to grab anything to eat. I started to raid my refrigerator to see what I can find to cook and eat that subdues the monster growling in my stomach.

The hunger that drives you angry: Hangry

To my luck, I managed to find some boneless chicken thighs which I had bought a couple of days back. I started to think of the ingredients I needed to make a tasty meal out of it. After some brainstorming(with myself of course), I got hold of some ingredients with which I thought to experiment. I was confident that I won't go terribly wayward as I consider myself more than an able cook.

That's what I did

The ingredients I had shortlisted are salt, pepper, onion powder, garlic powder, paprika. I took some fresh vegetables as well like onion, garlic, mushroom, coriander leaves. Simple, right!
Spice for life

I mixed chicken thighs with salt, pepper, onion powder, garlic powder, paprika, and kept it aside for 30 minutes. Meanwhile, I chopped the onion and garlic into thin slices and the mushroom I cut in half from top to bottom. After 30 minutes I took the spice-rubbed chicken and fried them in the pan with some olive oil in medium flame. Once both the sides turned golden brown I removed the chicken from the pan and in the remaining oil in the pan, I added some butter. After the butter melted I added the onion and garlic and sauteed it till golden brown. Then I added the mushroom to this sauce and cooked it till done and then added salt as per taste. The cooking part is over. All this while remembering one thing that I didn't measure any ingredients. That's because I have a 'spider-sense' which guides me as to how much of which item is to be added based on what I am cooking.


In a serving plate, place the chicken thighs and then layer the onion, garlic, mushroom mix over the chicken and add the remaining butter-based sauce from the pan left after separating the sauteed onion, garlic, and mushroom. Sprinkle the chopped coriander over the chicken(optional) and this plate of happiness is ready for consumption.

Chicken with juices dribbing

Here comes the best part

Now that it was ready I was dying to jump into it and dig into this juicy feeling of meaty goodness. It was piping hot and I had to wait for it to come down to edible temperature. But the wait coupled by the urge of taking the first bite was making me change like what a werewolf does on full-moon light. Finally, after about 5-6 minutes, I was able to sink my teeth into the juicy chicken thighs. Although its bad manners to praise one's own cooking but man it was some finger-licking goodness. The juice was like taking a slow, relaxed, gentle stroll across my tongue mesmerizing me before slowly descending onto my stomach. That moment I truly understood what foodgasm was. All this deliciousness I don't want to keep only to myself so thought of sharing with you all. 

I then patted myself for gathering the courage to try and do something I had never done with my cooking. So people go ahead and cook and taste this recipe and find yourself lost in the village of 'Swadisht'-pur. Better still you can add your own twist to this recipe and comment me back here how was the end result.

We should never hesitate to try new things else we will never know was it for the better or worse. If its good you will end up getting something wonderful or else you will end up becoming wiser. Either way, you will win.

That's all for now. Be safe. Be healthy.


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